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Reason of Choosing TISCE
Efficient Search
Get feedback within 1 minute
Accurate Matching
Only the most suitable merchants retained
Comprehensive Coverage
Covering 200+ countries and regions worldwide
Regular Update
Data refreshed every 72 hours
Delegated Visit
TISCE conducts on-site exploration in a specific location
Success Stories
Found Fresh Produce Suppliers In The Target Area

I’m a market expansion for a food supply chain company in Singapore.

By TISCE map search service, we found several fresh produce suppliers in the target area and greatly improving our procurement efficiency.

And it continues to be in effect, providing us with more options.

Ling Guo FeiMarket Expansion
New Fabric Suppliers In The Southeast Asian Market

My boss want to find some new fabric suppliers in the Southeast Asian market.

To do this, I found TISCE. Several high-standard suppliers in Thailand and China were recommended to us, they were both great and it was hard to decide.

For supply chain management, we finally chose a Thai supplier and reduced our procurement expenditure. Thanks for the amazing TISCE.

Narin BoonmeeBusiness Director
Find Electronic Component Suppliers ASAP

Our company need to quickly find electronic component suppliers to replace our dishonest supplier now.

When I used TISCE's map search data, I called the first alternative supplier within 1 minute, and the list of suppliers to be contacted exceeded 30 after 2 minutes.

I changed supplier as expected and ensured smooth production. Cheers.

Putri SusantoProcurement Manager
Unfamiliar Visit To Potential Partners

Finding new distributors and partners is considered to be the best way to reduce supply chain risks and improve profitability by us.

TISCE map data service helped us identify potential partners. Through unfamiliar visit, we achieved our expected strategic goals and expanded our market scope.

Thanks TISCE for providing priceless data.

Ahmad FaizAutomotive Supply Chain Manager
Empower Collaboration, Explore with Map Data Search !