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Supplier Matching and Screening
Supplier Assessment
Preliminary Quotation
Detailed Quotation
Supplier Matching and Screening

We use big data intelligence to identify suppliers based on product needs, cost budget, and risks, screen them for compliance and reliability to mitigate legal risks, and identify qualified export factories to ensure your requirements are met.

Supplier Matching and Screening
Supplier Assessment

We leverage big data intelligence to assess suppliers past performance, analyze market dynamics, and gather feedback. Following this evaluation, we carefully shortlist 3-5 qualified candidate suppliers and proceed to issue Request for Quotation (RFQ) to them.

Supplier Assessment
Preliminary Quotation

Evaluate quotations provided by candidate suppliers, carefully weighing essential factors such as cost, quality, and shipping terms, and ultimately choose the most optimal supplier.

Preliminary Quotation
Detailed Quotation

Expanding on the choice of the optimal supplier, following meaningful communication between both parties, we furnish a detailed and comprehensive quotation tailored to your specific requirements, quantity, and delivery timelines.
Furthermore, we extend additional options by supplying direct contact information for the chosen suppliers, enhancing the ease of communication between all parties involved.

Detailed Quotation
Production Progress Monitoring
Product Quality Inspection
Shipping Follow-Up
Production Progress Monitoring

After placing an order, we monitor production progress and provide real-time feedback through photos and live videos.

Production Progress Monitoring
Product Quality Inspection

Upon completing order products, we undertake a strict quality inspection process, ensuring product quality.

Product Quality Inspection
Shipping Follow-Up

After factory shipment, a dedicated person in charge to monitor transportation and ensure timely and secure delivery.

Shipping Follow-Up
Transit Warehousing
Secondary Processing
Inland Short-Haul
Transit Warehousing

For transit warehousing in China, we provide efficient services for handling and transporting your goods.

Transit Warehousing
Secondary Processing

If needed, we can negotiate and formulate detailed processing or packaging plans to meet your standards.

Secondary Processing
Inland Short-Haul

Adhering to EXW incoterm, we coordinate inland transportation in China and keep you informed of your goods' location and status throughout the process.

Inland Short-Haul
International Logistics
Import Agency
International Short-Haul Services
After-Sales Coordination
International Logistics

We maintain long-term partnerships with international logistics firms. In cases where the factory doesn't have a logistics provider, we can offer recommendations based on specific requirements and provide international logistics quotations.

International Logistics
Import Agency

We have a trusted long-term partnership with third-party logistics companies that can assist with import procedures, customs clearance, and ensure timely delivery of your goods.

Import Agency
International Short-Haul Services

For certain products, we offer end-to-end services, including transportation, customs clearance, and distribution, ensuring seamless transport and delivery.

International Short-Haul Services
After-Sales Coordination

For any post-sales issues that may arise with any product, our service team will proactively and patiently coordinate and communicate with the supplier on your behalf until both parties' concerns are resolved.

After-Sales Coordination
Supplier Credit Research
China Market Research
Factory Inspection Reports
Product Quality Inspection Reports
Supplier Credit Research

Based on your requirements, we can conduct credit research on suppliers (you can specify suppliers or rely on our recommendations). This helps you gain comprehensive insights into the supplier's credit status, operational capabilities, and product quality, enabling wiser procurement decisions.

Supplier Credit Research
China Market Research

We can conduct research through various channels based on your product/industry and provide relevant China market reports, helping you better understand the current status and trends in your target China industry or market.

China Market Research
Factory Inspection Reports

We inspect specified factories, providing a comprehensive assessment and inspection reports.

Factory Inspection Reports
Product Quality Inspection Reports

Should you need professional third-party quality inspection reports, we provide comprehensive quality testing and evaluation services. Our aim is to furnish you with specialized quality inspection reports tailored to your requirements.

Product Quality Inspection Reports